Ruth A Bryant


The quality of the talks was exceptional, and such a variety of topics. Many topics were niche and highly specialized but the presenters created an understanding of the need and value of their work.

Gilberto Joao Pavani


The quality of the talks was satisfactory. The event made it possible to update my knowledge. Certainly, Peers Alley Media, Canada did a good job.

Fabio Ferraz do Amaral Ravaglia


Very high quality of talks at Adv. Materials Science 2022. It contributes to my professional development a lot. Yes, Peers Alley Media did a great job, the abstracts would be useful.

Flavia Vieira da Silva-Medeiros


I think the talks presented at Adv. Materials Science 2022 brought different views and how the materials science area is advancing. Considering Adv. Materials Science 2022 audience was very multidisciplinary, it was possible to expand my research to places I have never considered. Peers Alley Media did a very good job and promoted rich discussions throughout the event.

John Henao


High quality, they were very interesting and had a high degree of novelty. I would like to be there next year. It helped me to find new advances in materials and new applications. You did a great job, the sessions were quite varied and the expertise of the people was appropriate.

Ignacio A Figueroa


High quality of talks at Adv. Materials Science 2022. Although there were few talks related to metallurgy, the diversity of the topics presented widened my knowledge of materials science. Indeed, you did an excellent job on this critical point of the conference's organization.

Francesca Micheletti


The quality of the contributions seemed medium-high to me. This type of congress is likely to have significant implications for chemical-physical engineer-type professions, but participation was still interesting and formative. I think the selection of oral contributions was adequate.

Dimitrios Kotzias


The quality of the talks was very interesting. From the scientific point of view, I appreciated some new findings presented, which could have an impact on some of my future activities. As far as the preparatory work done and the information provided for the conference are concerned, I would say, an excellent job.

Francesca Falcone


The experience of participating in your initiative was wonderful. Meeting scholars in the multidisciplinary field related to my research is very important to test yourself and for new ideas for the future. Certainly, great work by all the team that organized, promoted and made this congress alive.

Du Ngoc Uy Lan


I will give 8 over 10 for the quality of the talks. Yes, Peers Alley Media did a good job. I will give 7 marks out of 10.

Xiaoling Luo


Thanks for your invitation and congratulations on the success of the conference. I think the talks I attended were of high quality and could broaden my view. I appreciate this opportunity so much. I have also learned a lot from those talks from scholars. However, I could feel that you were attempting to create a satisfying experience for all participants. I also wish the 4th Advanced Materials Science World Congress great success.

Pablo Serna Gallen


The Advanced Materials Science World Congress has been an exceptional way to share my research work with the scientific community all over the globe as well as offering me the opportunity to try to create widespread interest in my field of research. The thought-provoking talks were of high quality and covered a vast gamut of topics related to materials science. I would encourage scientists to attend this event the following year.

Alexander Ivanovich Savvatimskiy


The quality is quite high. It can be seen that the procedure of speeches, in general, has been worked out. It was a great job. Thanks to all the organizers of this conference.

Sergey Bekher


The quality of the presentations at the conference was at a fairly high level.

Alexander Valyaev


First, I would like to thank the congress organizing Committee 2022 for the excellent organization of this world-class scientific event, and the high-quality choice of topics and presentations by participants from various countries, including myself. As well as a good choice of leading thematic sections. The timely release of the e-book with abstracts of speeches before the congress started made it possible to get acquainted with the program in advance and choose to view the most attractive presentations online. I will be pleased if this letter of mine is useful to you. Also, I will be grateful for your future invitations to my future scientific events.

Mikhail Timofeev


The quality of the reports varied. There were reports that I liked. I got a very good experience which I hope will be useful to me in the future. I think Peers Alley Media, Canada did a very good job of selecting speakers and distributing their presentations into sessions.

Jozef Krajcovic


Most of the talks were on a very good level with a multidisciplinary range. Perfect job, thanks to the organization for an excellent job.

Marija Dunce


I have gained some new knowledge outside of my direct field of research due to the wide scope of the conference. Peers Alley Media, Canada did a good job selecting speakers for thought-provoking sessions for this event.

Malle Krunks


The talks were good. It was useful to my professional development. Yes, Peers Alley Media did a good job.

Seiji Kojima


Good quality of talks at Adv Materials Science 2022. It is a good chance to give a talk about my research at the international conference. I think that Peers Alley Media, Canada did a good job.

Junying Zhang


Firstly, thank you very much for allowing us to meet and share the recent research results with colleagues worldwide. Most of the talks at Adv. Materials Science 2022 is high-quality. I take some useful inspiration from the talks. Peers Alley Media, Canada did a good job selecting speakers for thought-provoking sessions for this event.

Weiwei Wang


The 3rd Advanced Materials Science World Congress is a fascinating platform for science communication. Congratulations on this great meeting. Again, your team's work is great.

Refael Minnes


Thank you very much for all your efforts in organizing the conference. You did a great job. Most of the talks were interesting and of high quality. Conferences are very important in my professional advancement. What’s more, interesting conferences like this one contribute a lot to my development as a researcher. I loved the diversity of topics in the various sessions and the quality of the lecturers. In most cases, the lecturers were able to present their research interestingly. Hope to meet you again at Adv. Materials Science 2023.

Chengbin Yu


It was a wonderful conference. I realized all kinds of research areas and even some new ideas from all of the participants.

Osman Adiguzel


I can say shortly that I have enjoyed joining you at the 3rd Advanced Materials Science World Congress, and it has been beneficial for me. I appreciate your support and consideration. Hope to attend your next conference, hopefully, onsite and face-to-face without a mask and COVID-19.

Ayse Genc


I’m also so glad that I enjoyed joining you at the 3rd Advanced Materials Science World Congress. Thank you for your hard work. The quality of the talks was very good. Highly experienced speakers presented highly qualified topics and research. It will contribute to my professional development greatly. Especially in the composites topic. It was a good job. I appreciated it.

Necmettin Kilinc


The keynote talks and oral talks are so exciting about the application of different materials all over the world. The conference gave me different perspectives on different application areas. You have done an excellent job both on speaker selection and planning and conducting the virtual conference.



First of all, I enjoyed the talks and they broadened my knowledge greatly. Therefore, I found the quality of the talks very good. I think the conference will significantly impact the direction of my future work. Peers Alley Media, Canada did a fine job of organizing and selecting speakers.

Meltem Yanilmaz


I think there were interesting presentations. It was very beneficial for me. I met new researchers from my field. Thank you for the opportunity.

Himanshu Kushwah


I would be happy and gain knowledge with a lot of interactive sessions.

Gobinath Rajendran


It was a nice experience and I learned a lot from distinguished speakers from various fields of science. This conference taught me a new paradigm of material and its usage in delivering the desired characteristics. A great job is done by Peers Alley Media.

John Nepomuceno Colaco


The quality of talks at Adv. Materials Science 2022 is excellent. Improves my job performance and research. Peers Alley Media did a good job.

K K Ambily


The conference was a different experience of the diverse subjects. It helped me a lot to seek possibilities, especially the methods used and instrumentation for our current research. The speakers selected are appropriate talks are worth. Thank you for allowing me to be a speaker. All the best for coming fruitful events.

Satya Pal Singh


It was a wonderful experience for me to be with you. Most of the lectures were of a very good standard. Time management was very good. All the speakers were given sufficient time to present their work.

Mohammad Soroush Merkani


I admire your timing and management during and after the conference. In the aspect of content, all the talks were about recent findings, and no doubt that shared information is considered to be new and cutting-edge. Some of the findings were inspiring in terms of using the solutions and results of another scientist, in my current scientific challenges. Some of the findings were interesting and encouraged me to study more about them. Some of the findings were far from my knowledge and expertise and gave me general knowledge. As a "World Class Congress", I think Peers Alley Media did a perfect job. The event was pervasive and attendees from a variety of countries took part in the conference. I think the invited scientific individuals were all eminent figures in their field of study and the quality of conveying their thoughts to audiences was dependent on their language proficiency.

Ezatolah Kazeminejad


Thank you for your efforts and those of your colleagues. Undoubtedly, and as expected from such a professional conference, the titles and content were all very specialized and on the edge of knowledge. That, by the way, is very important to me in at least two ways: 1- To what extent should this content, especially about biomaterials, be taken into account in my field of application, namely in the field of medicine and dentistry? 2- Basically, the presence of colleagues in the medical field can lead to the exchange of ideas and the development of practical and more effective ideas. Another point that was of course more interesting to me was your attention to these two points. And finally, the separation of the panels into different areas was done with considerable nobility and management.

Soheyla Parsapanah


It was a wonderful experience for me to contribute to this event. Everything was alright, including timing, keeping in touch with participants, the quality of speeches, and selected speakers from all over the world. I hope such a good event continues and I can be a member of it.

Ali Alsalman


I enjoyed the topics at the conference, especially the ones I am not familiar with. Well, conferences always push for better research ideas. Excellent job. Keep up the good work!

Samantha Islam


The conference talks were interesting and useful. I got ideas from different areas of material science and chemistry that will help me to consider different perspectives in my research. It was a good initiative by the organizers to arrange such a conference amidst the difficult time of COVID. The conference talks were interesting and useful.

Zuzanna Krajewska


There were many interesting and well-prepared speakers. For me, it was very interesting. Many topics in related fields allow you to expand your knowledge and get inspiration for your work.

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