Francesca Deganello


The quality of the talks was very good! I enjoyed the talks. A lot of topics that I was interested in. I had the opportunity to get a little bit closer to the industrial applicative sector and this was interesting and useful.

Leonarda Francesca Liotta


I have appreciated very much the quality of the talks. I loved the conference a lot. Peers Alley Media did a good job of selecting the speakers.

Osman Adiguzel


The 2nd Advanced Materials Science World Congress 2021 is my second experience with the conferences of your company, and I loved this conference very much. Peers Alley Media, Canada does a good job selecting speakers for thought-provoking themes for this event. Congratulations on the quality of your conference and organization.

Ximena Jaramillo Fierro


The lectures were very interesting for me and I liked them. All the talks were characterized by their high quality. Peers Alley Media, Canada did a good job in selecting the speakers.

Ignacio Alejandro Figueroa


The quality of talks at Adv. Materials Science 2021 are excellent. I am quite impressed. Although I was in Houston on the first day of the conference and could not be connected, I did enjoy the second day. Even though there were a few talks related to my work, I learned new things about other research areas.

Fabiola Monroy Guzman


The quality of the presentations was excellent, which is why I consider the congress to have been very productive and successful for all attendees. Thank you for the help and for allowing me to participate in the event. The knowledge of new methods, ideas, techniques, and problems, which have been presented in the different presentations, has enriched me in such a way that I have been able to conceptualize new ideas for my work in particular.

Antonio Enrique Salas Reyes


The talks were fantastic and of high quality. It was a nice experience listening to the scientific works of professors around the world. Peers Alley Media did a great job of selecting speakers.

Alejandro Amaya


Thank you very much for your dedication to the organization of an international event at such a difficult moment! It must have taken a lot of extra work to coordinate speakers all over the world, especially taking into account that the first idea was to organize a general meeting. I could have the opportunity of attending very interesting talks. I want to also thank all the Peers Alley Media, Canada team because of the great job done, even though the speaker’s selection was through permanent attention before, during, and after the event.

Julio Colmenares Zerpa


The experience of participating in the congress was quite pleasant to visualize investigations that are carried out in different parts of the world, resulting in an integrated axis of interaction and knowledge. The quality of the talks was high. The organizers did an extraordinary job with great concern in organizing and keeping the participants informed.

Nikolaos Papadimas


I appreciate the work you have done, the quality of the talks was quite good, and, as I expected, more material science centered. Peers Alley Media generally did a good job. I'm really happy I was part of the conference and thank you for the opportunity.

Ulrich Giese


The quality of the talks was OK, especially the broadness of the topics was interesting. Most of the talks were very academic and may be far away from practice, but that should be normal if we speak about nano, etc.

Tyubaeva Polina


All the lectures were very interesting. We loved it a lot. We found some interesting ideas for our future projects.

Zahilia Cabn Huertas


The conference was exciting. I enjoyed the conference so much and meeting new colleagues. The quality of the talks were good and on time. That was an excellent conference with interesting reports. That was a great opportunity to communicate and share scientific excellence with the experts.

Tomoki Furuseki


I felt the quality of the talks was very high. The conference went smoothly and was very easy to listen. Peers Alley Media, Canada did a good job. Thank you for providing me with a meaningful time at the conference.

Bun Tsuchiya


I could have a great time at this excellent conference. I felt plenty of love at the conference. I thought that Peers Alley Media, Canada did a great job with them. I appreciate your help with everything.

Thi Thu Mai


It is a very good quality conference with high-quality talks. I love the conference. I believe Peers Alley Media, Canada, did a great job selecting quality speakers for thought-provoking sessions for this event. I would like to thank the 2nd Advanced Materials Science World Congress 2021 and many thanks to you.

Jittima Amie Luckanagul


I would love and expect to hear about breakthrough research at this conference. Peers Alley Media, Canada was good at selecting speakers for thought-provoking sessions for this event.

Seongwoo Woo


I feel the participant's eagerness to deliver his or her content. In particular, lots of participants make me feel good. I like it very much. I am a mechanical engineer. Developing new materials for its design is critical. So my presentation explains how to develop a mechanical product and its design.

Mourad Berd


We had the great honor of participating in the event which was, in all objectivity, a great success given the number of disciplines and the rank of the speakers. It was an unprecedented experience for us that we would like to relive very soon. The subjects dealt with are very varied, which makes them an asset, since it allows us to open up horizons of intervention.

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