Title: The effective cold fusion energy production realization on base of the planar X-ray waveguide-resonators use


The main intricate and energy outlaying problem for realization of nuclear fusion reactions is the Coulomb barrier overcoming, which hinders to the direct nuclear interaction. In thermonuclear apparatus the barrier overcoming is effected by increasing of ions kinetic energy in ionized ensemble. This approach competence to the nuclear fusion reactions realization is beyond questions. A.D. Sakharov and Ya.B. Zheldovich pointed on the principle possibility of alternative approach to the nuclear fusion reaction realization without high temperature application. The idea of cold nuclear fusion was implemented by I.S. Filimonenko. Moreover, the cold nuclear fusion or nuclear transmutation phenomenon is beyond questions, too. However, the magnitude of cold nuclear fusion effect is smaller as the expected one on some hundreds thousands times. Our work proposes an alternative approach to the cold nuclear fusion realization on base of the radiation fluxes waveguide-resonance propagation phenomenon consequence and the wave-corpuscle dualism principle. Our experimental studies showed that the planar extended slit clearance transports X-ray characteristic radiation fluxes without attenuation when its width is smaller as the radiation coherence length half (L/2=02/2). This fact was interpreted as the new phenomenon discovery: the waveguide-resonance propagation of radiation fluxes or the radiation superfluidity. The phenomenon is characterized by appearing of the uniform interference field of radiation standing waves. Devices functioned in frame of the phenomenon were called as planar X-ray waveguide-resonators (PXWR). Study of there devices properties showed that independent radiation fluxes can interact in some conditions in result of mutual influence of uniform interference fields of radiation standing waves excited by these fluxes. Owing to the wave corpuscle dualism principle the radiation standing wave uniform interference field can be excited by particles beams with zero rest mass, too. This hypothesis found own experimental confirmation in investigations of low energy neutrons fluxes propagation peculiarities. Analogical interference fields can be formed for atomic and molecular fluxes. Then it will be needed to find conditions for there fields interaction. The suggesting approach allows to evade the Coulomb barrier.

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